Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thinking about a hip replacement?

Here's a video on the "anterior" approach -- one of the latest ways to replace the hip, preferable because there is less need to sever muscles of the hip. Nevertheless, it's a bit disturbing and I would hope that you would do all you could to prevent having to undergo the procedure.

I know this is motivation to do my own menus and keep my body aligned with Egoscue. I've been beating up my right hip for years prior to starting with Egoscue, based on leg dominance and past injuries. And while the left knee injury was the focus of my attention and efforts to keep it functional, what I was missing (pre-Egoscue) was the "body works as a unit" concept. In a nutshell, I was avoiding work on my left side and putting it all on my right side. When I started with Egoscue, my right knee was turned out close to 45-degrees AND I was doing triathlons, playing & coaching rugby and lifting weights. A lot of activity, but 80%-plus going to my right side, making me tighter and tighter in my right hip and furthering problems in the rest of my body.

Check out the video. If you're queasy, then just know it's not pretty. But know this also -- You can prevent this from happening, but do it NOW before it's too late!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paul. Thanks for sharing this wonderful video about hip replacement. I'd say it's very graphic but I got all I need from just watching it. I was really looking for information about depuy asr hip replacement recall. I've searched Google but couldn't find a good source.
