When was the last time someone invited you to participate in a trip, activity or outing and you had to turn them down? Friends, children, grandchildren? And you most likely didn't turn them down because you didn't want to go -- but because of the fear that you wouldn't be able to keep up, that the environment may be too uncomfortable given your pain, or that you would be a burden to others? How many times do we choose to stay in isolation with pain and keep from interacting (also read "playing") with our friends and family due to the inherent limitations we have accepted for ourselves?
The fear can be limiting. The fear can be stifling. The fear can be disabling. And while I'm not writing this to say, "just get over the fear," I am saying that you don't have to live with the limiting, stifling and disabling beliefs. An active social life is a large part of what is necessary for each of our overall health and wellness. If living with pain or physical limitations is affecting the relationships we have with others, then we are simply accepting a compromised lifestyle. Life doesn't have to be like this. You have all that you need within your own gifts and abilities to live the life you desire.
How we view our bodies and the beliefs we have about the body's complexity and capabilities will either result in a fully functional body moving with ease and fluidity or one without structural support, little energy, and far less physical ability and agility. In other words, if we perceive our body to be in disrepair and broken down, then this is what we will have. However, if we think of our body as resilient, capable of moving, healing and full of life, then you will be a lot closer to achieving this.
At Egoscue, we believe no one should have to live in pain and that you should be able to enjoy an active lifestyle. Once you've set it in your mind that your body can and will heal. That it can and will be able to move in the ways that it is designed. That you can enjoy the company of others without limitations of your body and you are able to overcome fear, then it is a matter of setting a plan of action. The body then needs to match up to the mental state.
Get some help with your plan of action. You can get started by reading one of Pete Egoscue's books. I recommend "Pain Free" if you have symptoms. You can also get started with the exercises on Egoscue.com or, better yet, call to set up your free consultation and find out what the best path is for your personal condition at 310-450-2549.
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