The Fight for "YOU"
When's the last time you had a fight with your self? Maybe it was just now when you had to decide whether or not to spend the time reading this. So, who was it that you were fighting with anyway?
As humans, we all share the gift of self-awareness. This ability allows us to distinguish between our thoughts and our "self" that is thinking the thoughts (and reacting or interacting with events and the environment). The good and bad of this awareness is that we can have thoughts that encourage and empower, or judge and criticize.
At some point, we identify our self as a sum of our actions. In other words, what we DO is a part of who we are. In looking at others, comparing and associating, we may identify others by the sports they play, the way they walk, or their helpfulness in cooking, cleaning, etc. And while these actions should by no means be the complete sum of who we are -- if we lose the ability to do, we lose that part of who we are.
I can remember injuring my knee in a snowboarding accident and having to be laid up for weeks. I couldn't walk without crutches much less run, couldn't drive, couldn't play sports with friends, couldn't give my girl a bear hug, couldn't do a lot of the activities that I identified with that made me feel strong, free and alive. The frustration level was high as I judged and criticized myself for the accident and for being unable to be active. Questions ran through my head about having to redefine who I was and how I viewed myself. It's a scary proposition to have to re-invent yourself or to have to find alternate activities to those of first choosing.
Fortunately, I was eventually able to regain enough function to get back into activities I identified with. But for many, this doesn't seem possible given their current critical, judgmental thoughts that may be defeating the real 'you.' In the absence of an objective view of your self, the path to getting back into daily activities, sports, or just being free and feeling strong may seem insurmountable.
So here's what I suggest. Come in for a FREE consultation at our clinic. We'll take some postural photos and go over your condition. Along with that, we'll give you straightforward answers on what it will take to get you back on track and how you can rediscover much of what you thought was lost from the true YOU. Call to set up an appointment for your consultation. You have nothing to lose but the limiting beliefs gained since your injury or pain started. You have everything to gain, including the self you once knew, loved and appreciated.
Call to set up your free consultation and find out the best path for your personal condition at 310-450-2549.
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