Egoscue is coming to Santa Barbara!
We are conducting therapy appointments in Santa Barbara starting at the end of January and will be returning monthly. Many clients head down to Santa Monica to see us from the area and will now be able to book appointments with us while we are there.
When: Saturday, January 30
Where: Motion Unlimited, 1811 State St. Suite C in Santa Barbara
To schedule an appointment, call 310-450-2549 or email
Patch Fitness in February
If you've been looking for the right way to get yourself started on a fitness plan this year - here it is! Join us for a 4-week program of fun, functional fitness. Patch workout classes will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings starting February 1. Call to reserve your spot in the classes today at 310-450-2549.
Kid's Meditation Workshop
Caroline Sexton is excited to offer a Winter Meditation Workshop for children. This will be a 6-week series geared towards children ages 5 to 12. Each class will involve a meditation as well as explore brain gym, whole brain exercises and art projects. Classes will be held here at the Santa Monica Clinic. Call to reserve your spot as spaces are limited to 8. Contact Caroline Sexton at 818-441-4790.